Joint Health Test
Joint Health Test
You have a common joint problem
You have a general joint problem, the cause is related to long-term strain, abrasion, cartilage wear and so on. Joints suffer from heavy weight load for a long time, with high-intensity sports, long-term activities, or strain and slow down of metabolism, so that the cartilage that protects the bones becomes flat, rough, and even abraded, causing Joint deterioration.
After that, the gap between joints becomes narrow, increasing the chance of bones rubbing each other, causing the bones to abrade and joint soreness. In severe cases, arthritis will occur We recommend a joint health product -- Ripple Complete Joint Care Formula Goat's Milk Beverage Powder - containing glucosamine and chondroitin, which can effectively repair articular cartilage, relieve joint pain and prevent joint deterioration.
You have joint deterioration
As you get older and for various reasons, your joints condition are degraded, articular cartilage is worn out, or synovial fluid secretion is abnormal, causing discomfort such as pain, swelling, fever, stiffness, etc. These are typical symptoms of arthritis. If the treatment for the joints is not proper, the situation will be getting worse -- In order to off-set the bone loss, the edge of the bone will become thicker and deformed, and then the bone spur will grow, which will aggravate the pain. When the situation is serious, the inside of the cartilage will be "calcification", which will form calcium crystals. These crystals will fall off from the cartilage, stimulating the surrounding nerve tissue, and then causing pain, hotness and redness and other symptoms of the arthritis.We recommend a joint health product -- Ripple 4D Joint Care Goat's Milk Powder - containing glucosamine and chondroitin, which can effectively repair articular cartilage, relieve joint pain and prevent joint deterioration.